The ADRN grant finished on 31st July 2018. ADRC-S is now part of a partnership with Scottish Government to deliver the next phase of Administrative Data Research in Scotland.
About the ADRN
The Administrative Data Research Network (ADRN) was a UK-wide partnership between universities, government departments and agencies, national statistics authorities, the third sector, funders and researchers.
The Network gave trained social and economic researchers across the UK access to linked, de-identified administrative data in a secure environment.
Specifically the Network
- helped researchers with data sourcing,
- provided data linkage services,
- trained researchers in the lawful and responsible use of sensitive data,
- provided a secure setting to analyse de-identified and linked data,
- performed statistical disclosure control to ensure identities are not compromised by the results of the analysis.
100 co-investigators and researchers worked in the ADRN.
Find out more on the network website.